Seeking Health Optimal Prenatal
Updated: Nov 1, 2023

The best prenatal vitamins deliver comprehensive nutrition in bioavailable forms. When patients ask me which prenatal I recommend and use myself, there is only one I swear by.
Seeking Health Optimal Prenatal is probably the most comprehensive prenatal that I have found. It has everything needed to support a healthy pregnancy and also helped me to feel great through two pregnancies and even while nursing.
What is bioavailability in regards to prenatal vitamins?
When deciding on which prenatal to take, bioavailability was very important to me. What is bioavailability? When you’re taking a supplement, you want it to actually do what it says it’s going to do, and for the nutrients to get where they are intended to go. Bioavailability is when a substance, in this case supplement, becomes completely available to its intended biological destination. Meaning, the body can use its contents to obtain maximum benefit. Seeking Health Optimal Prenatal contains bioavailable nutrients to support babies development and to help you deal with the high nutritional demands of pregnancy so you can feel your best.
It is advised that most pregnant women increase their daily caloric intake throughout pregnancy to keep up with the high nutritional demands of pregnancy. And taking a good strong prenatal vitamin can make sure that you are getting all of the nutrients that you need. Nutrients are divided into micronutrients and macronutrients. Macronutrients, include protein, carbs, fats, fiber, and are the bulk of what your solid food diet should consist of. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that the body uses in smaller amount for various functions. Micro nutrients are commonly supplemented but are also found in the food we eat. Both micro and macro nutrients work together to build up the diet. The caloric intake during pregnancy increases, so making sure that you are getting lots of micro and macronutrients all contribute to giving the body all that it needs during pregnancy.
How do prenatal vitamins support a healthy pregnancy?
The nutritional demands of pregnancy support not just Mom and baby, but also the placenta. The placenta is an organ that forms within your uterus to supply baby with all of the nutrients that they need for life. Think of it like your baby's lifeline. It works as their stomach and lungs until they are able to function on their own. This organ is formed from your own body, so being able to keep it as nutrient, dense and healthy as possible is most beneficial for baby. Healthy mom and healthy placenta contribute to a healthy baby.
Baby and placenta take a lot of nutrients for their own growth and development, so if they are taking all of the nutrients from your diet and prenatal, then what are you left with? Nutrient depletion during pregnancy can lead to morning sickness, fatigue, among other issues.
Vitamin D deficiency is very common, not only in pregnancy, but in the general population, especially during the cold months when we are not getting as much sunlight. This prenatal has plenty of viral available vitamin D to support you during pregnancy. Vitamin D deficiency can also lead to fatigue, muscle aches, and poor sleep, which are all very common complaints that we hear from her patients during pregnancy. To read more about the specific supplement information for seeking health optimal prenatal check out their website.

What's the recommended dosage for taking prenatal vitamins?
Taking 8 capsules a day may feel intimidating, so I advise spacing them out throughout your day. Taking 4 with breakfast and then 4 with lunch is what worked for me, but your needs may be different. Spacing them out also helps with bioavailability as to not overload your system. Your body, your baby, and your placenta demand a lot of nutrients during pregnancy, so finding a prenatal that can meet those demands is very important. The high nutrient density of this prenatal will help if you accidentally skip a day and forgot to take your prenatal, which so commonly happens during pregnancy and is nothing to worry about.
In Conclusion
Seeking Health Optimal Prenatal contains no major allergens and is safe for vegetarians. It is also suitable for breastfeeding and for postpartum recovery. Caloric demands are also high while breast-feeding, as a breast-feeding mother should consume 500 extra calories a day to compensate for the hard work that their body is doing to produce milk. Keeping a prenatal as part of your postpartum recovery and nutrition plan can be helpful to make sure that you and baby are still getting all the nutrients that you need.
By: Dr. Megan Stavalone
Perinatal Certified Chiropractor at ANH Wellness
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